Chicken noodle soup. Those three words alone bring comfort and warmth, especially on a cold day. Whether you are under the weather and want to feel better or want to warm up at the end of a winter day, chicken noodle soup is the best soup to do that with. So, what makes this dish so special?

Scientifically Backed Health Benefits

Did you know that chicken soup can actually boost your immune system and fight off cold and flu viruses? The ingredients you add to your soup can also improve your health and keep you healthy as well. From carrots that have beta carotene to onions that have antioxidants, it’s the perfect blend of healthy foods.

Appeals to Diverse Palettes

No matter if you are feeding toddlers or adults, chicken noodle soup has a certain appeal to it. It is comforting and delicious and full of simple, yet tasty ingredients. When you make this warm soup, you can bet there won’t be leftovers.

Comfort Food

Comfort food is good for the soul, and that is just what this soup is – good for the soul. When you have a bowl, your spirits will instantly lift. Whether from the nostalgia of eating it as a child or the actual taste and temperature is a toss-up. All we know is that it’s a great way to get and give comfort.


Our packages of Chicken Noodle Soup are readily available at your local grocery store, and our Green Mill Foods’ Chicken Noodle Soup tastes virtually homemade. No need to slave over a hot stove when you can have a delicious soup at any time.

Smart Choice

Chicken noodle soup is full of healthy ingredients. No heavy creams or greasy ingredients are needed. That means you can enjoy a big bowl and get full, all without feeling too weighed down.

When it comes down to it, chicken noodle soup is a staple for a reason. It is delicious, healthy, filling, and comforting. So grab a package of Green Mill Chicken Noodle Soup today and see exactly why it’s something to talk about. Have questions about Green Mill products? Contact us online today!